Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bye, Bye Steroids!

Our daughter is now 20 months old and I am happy to announce that she has officially been off steroids now for more than three weeks. This has been a goal of ours ever since she took her first dose (February 2010), and now, it is our reality. Steroids are an incredible drug that impacted her life in many positive ways, but they also have many ugly side effects. The most serious for most is that when someone takes steroids for an extended amount of time, he/she typically has a compromised immune system. This is something we've had to be very careful about over the last 18 months. We are so thankful that she is now able to be off of this very powerful drug!

Our daughter started back to school this month and is doing well. This picture is from her first day. Some of her favorites include ice cream, shoes, jewelry, baseball games and playing cars. She is a well rounded little girl who loves her brothers very much!

1 comment:

  1. I am celebrating with you. I can only imagine what the last 18 months have entailed. I can't wait to see this precious baby girl in about six weeks with her big brothers. Love you guys.
