Saturday, May 29, 2010

A petite little girl

The last two weeks have been full of more good news regarding our daughter's health. Last week we met with our daughter's neurologist. Our last visit there was in February during our time of initial diagnosis. This appointment was originally scheduled as a routine follow-up, but we had several questions for the neurologist:
1. How do we know what is happening with the internal hemangiomas (tumors)? We know that the external ones are showing progress, but we have been able to give them additional topical medications/injections that the internal ones haven't had.
2. How can we monitor the loopy-loop of the carotid artery to insure that we're not headed for an aneurism or seizures?
3. What is the cause of the small head size and is it impacting her development?

The neurologist was great! He was very encouraged by her neurological development and felt that she is meeting her milestones at the same rate as a typically developing four-month old. He is going to put our daughter on a regiment of alternating scans to monitor the internal hemangiomas (MRI/MRA) and the blood flow through the carotid artery (CT Angiogram). We will begin this rotation in July and will have alternating scans every three months.

Then, this week our daughter had an appointment with her pediatrician. She was able to get all of her inoculations except for the Rotovirus vaccine (because it's live). The pediatrician thought she looked great. Our daughter is measuring consistently in the 10-20th percentile and is very proportionate. This means that we may have a petite little girl on our hands. One of my grandmothers was only 5 foot she could come by it very naturally!!!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family. We were given good news that in just a few weeks our daughter's immune system will be strong enough for her to begin being around other children. By that time she will have been completely off her steroid for more than a month and will have two rounds of vaccinations. I am excited for the day we can bring her to church and my work to meet so many people who have been praying for us!


  1. we know all about the itty bitty kiddos at this house :) we wouldnt know what to do with a normal sized child!

  2. Yay! This is so good to hear, Jennifer! We'll continue to pray!

  3. Moving forward is always great news. Prayers are still going.
